We're up early today. We need to catch an 8:30 train from Venice to Spiez, Switzerland. We get to the St. Lucia train station with time to spare only to find out that our train leaves from the Maestre station on the mainland. Fortunately we catch a local train and make our connection on time. We sure are learning alot on this trip, like pay attention to detail!
So we settle in for the next five hours, bread, cheese and wine in tow. The train to Milan is pretty crowded. But from Milan to Spiez we're able to stretch out. At the Swiss border dogs are brought on board searching for either drugs or weapons. It only takes a few minutes and we're on our way.
In Spiez we transfer to the Interlaken Ost train. And from Interlaken we transfer tot a local train to Lauterbrunnen. This town only has one street so finding our hotel is a breeze. Hotel Staubach was built in 1890 and we can hear the years creak as we walk over the worn wooden floors. Our room, #14 has a view of the main drag and the Staubbach Falls, the grand dame of the village.
We freshen up and head out to dinner at the Oberland hotel. Tony has a great dish of vegetable lasagna and I opt for the green salad with rasberry vinigerette dressing and chicken skewers. After two weeks in Italy my palate was ready for a change. Both meals were delicious.
After dinner we walk past our hotel to the Staubbach Falls and find a path leading up to the falls. So we suck in our full bellies, walk past the field of sheep with clanking bells on their necks, and hike up the path behind the waterfall. I'm so proud of Tony. He made it to the top! A couple of photo ops and back down we go. Our hotel is only a block away so we head home and call it a day. But not before skyping with family back home.