Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 24 - Relaxing on the Rhein

We woke to sunshine this morning and what a beautiful day it was. Having nothing we had to do found us relaxed and enjoying our temporary home base. After breakfast we walked through the marketplatz, only a few steps from our hotel. Tony's feeling he's conquered his fear of heights so we head over to the Sesselbahn, also know as the Boppard chairlift.

After purchasing tickets we settle into the "chairlift" and head up to Gideoneck, the hilltop overlooking the Rhein. Viewing the lift from the ground didn't look it would be an issue. But about a quarter of the way along both of us realized that sitting on a park bench suspended from a one inch cable could bring out a fear in both of us. I was able to look around and enjoy the view. But Tony had to close his eyes for a good portion of the ride. But once we got to the top, found the restaurant, and had a few beers, well the view was worth the ride! Wait a minute, we have to go back down!!!

Actually going up was fine for me. It was the ride down that made me a bit nervous. I don't think it was the height as much as the clicking I kept feeling from the back of the chair. OK, enough of that. We made it down and had a wonderful time. On to the next event.

We spent the rest of the area riding the Hunsruckbahn up to Emmelshausen, a small town above Boppard. The train travels over two viaducts, five tunnels and has spectacular views while traveling through the forest above Boppard. We reach our destination, walk around an extremely quiet town, find a place to grab a beer and then head back to Boppard. A great experience, but low on the excitement meter, especially after the sesselbahn!

We head back to the hotel to freshen up a bit, then head out to the riverfront for a glass of wine. The weather is perfect so we walk along the waterfront to a beautiful park along the river. The history of this region speaks to us from a bronze plaque
that reads "The 87th division of the 3rd Army, USA crossed the Rhine at this location the night of March 24, 1945." Thank you to all service men and women who so valiantly fought or are fighting for our freedom and the freedom of others.

We return again to our italian restaurant where Claude, our waiter and now friend greets us. We order the local wine, Caprese salad, pizza and pasta, and enjoy our last night Boppard. We hope to return one day.

1 comment:

  1. Haha- have you had dinner EVERY night at the Italian restaurant!?!
